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Cult of Pigeons

Cult of Pigeons

The Cult has landed on the Cardano blockchain in the form of a collection of 10,000 unique Pigeon NFT's.

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Cult of Pigeons
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Cult of Pigeons

For generations, pigeons have lived alongside us. Ever the symbol of peace and prosperity, they have made their homes in our cities, our parks and our buildings. Being harmless and peaceful creatures, mankind has had nothing to fear from our friendly, feathered friends.

Until now.

For the pigeons we thought friendly have been secretly planning something dark. They have been watching us, infiltrating our human society all around the world. They have formed a secret organization, plotting their rise against us humans. Planning to overthrow us and become the new masters of our world, a kind of apex predator unlike any before. An organization more global than the world has ever seen, with members devoted to their cause. A cult of sorts.

The Cult of Pigeons.

The Cult has landed on the Cardano blockchain in the form of a collection of 10,000 unique Pigeon NFT's. With traits expertly illustrated to an insane level of detail, the Cult has vowed to drop a collection of the highest quality. Details to feast your eyes on. Traits as mad as our pigeon cultists. Cardano, are you ready?

Cult of Pigeons
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Cult of Pigeons


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