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Gen Wealth

Gen Wealth

A Trustless and Self-Custodial Inheritance Dapp.

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Gen Wealth
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Gen Wealth

With GenWealth you can keep full control and custody of your assets while your alive and do everything you can do with your wallet. In addition,  you are able to divide your crypto across heirs and set clear rules for how you want your crypto to be distributed. Once the inevitable happens, your beneficiaries can simply connect their wallets and claim their part of the crypto according to the distribution you've defined.

This solves a 200 Billion dollar problem of crypto recovery in Blockchain technology and even empowers you to have full control over what should happen to your assets when you're gone.

With our Dapp, there is no more need to trust intermediaries or even to share your seedphrase, you can keep it safe and to yourself, and still have a plan for your family to recover your crypto.

With GenWealth, and using proof of life, you can also create a mechanism for personal crypto recovery in case you lose your seedphrase. This mechanism would allow you to recover your crypto to a new wallet before your heirs would be able to claim it as an Inheritance.

Besides this Dapp, GenWealth is also working on other products and solutions to be able to serve all the crypto recovery and crypto Inheritance needs on Cardano.

Solutions such as a service that allows you to use our Dapp to leave your crypto to Non-tech savvy users.

Gen Wealth
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Gen Wealth


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