About GeroWallet

GeroWallet is the first step in your decentralized finance (DeFi) journey. GeroWallet is named in honor of Gerolamo Cardano, an Italian polymath, and is a next-generation Web3 wallet. In addition to traditional functionality that currently exists in Web3 wallets, GeroWallet provides users with the ability to purchase digital assets using fiat.

GeroWallet also allows users to swap, stake, and margin trade synthetic assets. These functions are designed with a focus on user experience, providing a full suite of features for naive and seasoned enthusiasts. Our mission is to create the ultimate Cardano wallet that boasts interchain and multi-chain compatibility—while providing a superior user experience through an intuitive UI. We envision a wallet that empowers individuals to access Decentralized Finance (DeFi) technology and a “swiss army knife” of features.

By integrating with sister protocols and additional decentralized applications, GeroWallet will efficiently and reliably unlock the power of the Cardano network.

Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
    Light Wallets
  • Release date
  • Supply ($GERO)