About Mutant Max NFTs
Mutant Max is a series of NFT collections, released on the Cardano blockchain. Max is a 7-year-old boy who is turned into a mutant and transported to a far-off land and time by a mysterious unexplained force. Follow along as the story unfolds and Max searches for his family...
As Max finds his family members, we will release an NFT collection featuring that family member. In addition, we will release a limited edition portrait NFT of Max and the newly found family member.
What is the Mutant Max NFT collection?
Mutant Max is the first in a series of 14 NFT collections that will be released as the Mutant Max story unfolds. As Max finds a family member, that family member’s NFT collection will be released.
Who is Mutant Max?
Max is a 7-year-old boy that was somehow changed into a mutant and transported to a new world. Follow the story at https://mutantmax.online/
When do the first Mutant Max NFTs drop?
The first collection (Mutant Max) will be released at 18:00 UTC on Saturday 4 March 2023.
When will the other NFTs drop?
Drop dates will be announced on Twitter (make sure to follow us) and in our Discord announcements channel.
How many Mutant Max NFTs will be released?
- A 10,000 NFT collection will be released for each family member, including Max.
- In addition, a limited edition (1,000) portrait NFT collection will be released of Max and each newly found family member.
- Finally, at the end of the story, if the family is reunited, a limited edition (100) family portrait NFT collection will be released.
What NFTs will be released in the series?
Including Max, we plan to release a total of 14 NFT collections in the series. Follow the story and watch Twitter and Discord for announcements.
How do I get a limited edition portrait NFT?
To mint the limited edition portraits, you will need to own at least 1 NFT from each collection for the family members in the portrait, and have them in your wallet at the time of minting. To mint the portrait of Max and a found family member, you will need to own at least 1 Mutant Max NFT and at least 1 NFT of the family member - and have them both in your wallet at minting. To mint the family portrait, released at the end of the story, you will need to own at least 1 NFT from ALL 7 collections and ALL portraits of family members with Max.
Is there a whitelist?
We believe that everyone should have an equal chance to mint. There will be no whitelist.
How much will it cost to mint NFTs?
- 18 Ada for Max and family members he finds.
- 25 Ada for portraits of Max and found family members. (1,000 of each available).
- 50 Ada for the family portrait. (100 available).
Mutant Max NFTs are made with love for the Cardano community and all the lost souls out there.