About PeriodicTable.io
PeriodicTable.io is the on-chain Periodic Table of the Elements. It is a community driven Periodic Table of the Elements built on Cardano.
Each Element on the table is its own "1 of 1 NFT" living on the Cardano blockchain. 1 of 1 meaning there is only (1) copy of each element in existence. The project consists of two main on-chain assets. The Element Block NFTs and The ELEMENT fungible token.
The Element Block NFTs?
There are currently 118 elements that exist on the Periodic Table. Each element in the on-chain periodic table has its own URL which contains valuable information about the element.
The owner of this element NFT also acts as the sponsor for the element URL page. This sponsor has the opportunity to post their information on this URL in a specific designated area.Supply and demand, in addition to the URL sponsorship, in an effort to maintain future value we decided to only create one of each NFT.
Developed as a Cardano native asset, ELEMENT Token is the utility and reward token for the PeriodicTable.io project ecosystem. It is utilized in several ways throughout the project and is tradable on a variety of Cardano based DEX platforms.
Science & Art
The PeriodicTable.io project brings together science and art in a unique and interesting way. The on-chain periodic table and information contained is all accurate scientific content. It can be used by students, educators, professionals and/or hobbyists for research and learning. All this while offering a unique artistic approach in design and visual style.