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3 000 mythical Ravens - from ancient mythology to the 21st Century Cardano’s blockchain.

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Like the Ravens in ancient Greek, our NFTs are peculiar, giving you a whole new feel of these birds and how important they were centuries ago. Piggybacking on Cardano’s advanced blockchain network, our NFT project will release a series of unique Ravens that users can own, each with rare and unprecedented facets. Though some have higher traits of rarity, we have a balanced system that makes sure fair distribution is in order. We ensure that these highly rare ravens are distributed based on randomness and a great bout of your luck.

In ancient Greek mythology, Ravens were said to have mythic status because they sometimes act as a mediator between the world of spirits and the land of the living. Born with unique qualities, these carrion-eating birds have often been associated with death or even a bad omen, however, their symbolic representation is still deemed complex and inscrutable.

Thought to bring bad luck, and even death, the raven still managed to maintain its signification as a symbol of upcoming opportunities. Where there´s an end of one life, there´s also a beginning of something out of the common and fresh, of a new way of life and new creation. This black-feathered bird now stands for the manifestation of a pristine cycle, of rebirth and revival. So why won´t you give yourself another chance and do something that could be the beginning of your new life journey?

The raven is associated with revealing secrets, and the moment your path crosses the path of the raven, the spirits start to mingle, bringing out the light in one´s existence. The raven is a call to shift your life forward and undertake the right actions that will bring the right outcome. Don´t miss the chance to gain your raven as a lucky charm of your own fortune.

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